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UTCAL Summit 2023

Telecommunications and Automation Technologies for Utilities

Education, Training, Debates, Networking. An essential meeting place for the best in the utilities sector. Come and get knowledge! Learn about the latest technologies, stay up-to-date on public policy and regulation, and find industry professionals.

To enable optimization in the delivery activities of electricity, gas, water, etc., our utilities depend on the telecommunications systems and intelligent technologies that are being designed, implemented and maintained by highly qualified professionals and suppliers of innovative products & services.

The post-pandemic scenario is full of product launches, opportunities to gain new knowledge, meetings with international experts, face-to-face discussions. UTCAL Summit 2023 aims to meet all expectations and all audiences – utilities, suppliers, consultants, academics and others – who will certainly attend this important event.

UTCAL Summit 2023 offers dynamic panels, workshops and presentations. Meet industry decision makers and connect with suppliers in the exhibition area. Enjoy activities on the beautiful beach of Barra da Tijuca, while strengthening your network of relationships and knowledge in our events: ALTA – America Latina Telecom Awards and DESTAQUE Awards, dinner (reception of President – only for invited participants), cocktail and much more. This event is essential for information and communication technology (ICT) professionals, interested in not only maintaining trends, but getting ahead of the fast opportunities in the utilities scenario.

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The UTCAL Summit 2023 promotes the meeting of Public Service Concessionaires with Regulators, Government, Research Centers, Entrepreneurs, Industry, Suppliers and leading national and international experts.

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UTCAL Summit 2023

Educational Program

  • Telecom and Automation Technologies;
  • Digital Transformation;
  • Spectrum needs;
  • New Business Models for the deployment of telecommunications;
  • Collaboration;
  • The impact of Big Data on our telecommunications networks;
  • Definition of Smart Grid Requirements;
  • Cybersecurity;
  • Infrastructure and IT/OT integration;
  • Experiences and Cases;
  • International Specialists;
  • Infrastructure Sharing.











UTCAL Summit 2023

Event Features

Environment of Knowledge exchange where different views, solutions and Brazilian and international success cases are shared.

  • Strong presence of concessionaires (2022 - more than 650 specialists, being approx. 50% of utilities);
  • International content (presence of leading experts from the USA, Europe and Latin America);
  • Great exchange of experiences between participants;
  • Open and free: no direction for a specific technical solution or supplier;
  • Pre-conference workshops;
  • A day dedicated exclusively to plenary sessions and discussions with experts;
  • Symposiums on topics of greatest interest;
  • Three days of lectures and technical events addressing specific topics related to the issues proposed by the thematic committees;
  • Three days of exhibition in Tabletop System and Booths for exhibitors to demonstrate their solutions;
  • Delivery of the ALTA Award - America Latina Telecom Award to the winners;
  • Highlight Award Ceremony - Best Technical Presentation of summit to winners;
  • Networking opportunities - meeting rooms for participants.

Held at the excellent Windsor Barra Hotel Convention Center, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

Características do Evento

UTCAL Summit 2023


  • Digital Transformation
  • IT/OT Convergence
  • Emerging Themes for Utilities Modernization
    • Modernization of telecom networks
    • Flexible solutions for network modernization
  • Wireless Technologies
  • Regulatory Issues
  • Infrastructure Sharing - the difficulties of utilities
  • Physical and Cybersecurity - New Challenges
  • Optimization of telecom networks for water and gas companies
  • Strategies for Automation and Team Mobility
  • Collaboration between Utilities and Operators
  • Data Analytics e Big Data
  • PLC solution for last mile
  • Smart Grid Requirements
  • Experiences and Cases
  • Technical Standards

The event in 2023

UTCAL Summit 2023, will be again the meeting place where will be discussed the main problems and solutions by professionals of public service concessionaires with regard to telecommunications systems and their applications.

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

Security, Cyber and Physical

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

IT/OT - Information Technology and Operational Technology (or Automation)

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

Challenges of Distributed Generation

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

Fiber, Broadband and Sharing

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

Telecom for Network Modernization and Data Analytics

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

Regulation, Public Policies and Defense of Utilities


Check out the list of confirmed Speakers

Held by UTC Latin America, a non-profit organization, UTCAL SUMMIT's main objective is to promote the rapprochement and debate of key issues for utilities telecommunications in Latin America.

Limited places

UTCAL Summit 2023


UTCAL Summit 2023

Event schedule

March 28, 2023 • Tuesday

4RF Workshop: Integration of narrowband Smart Grid solutions with 3GPP LTE/5G systems – high capacity.

Coordinator: Marco Pangos – 4RF

  • Efficient use of the radio spectrum for IoT – DER – DA – Automation - Intelligent Metering with technological innovation – we will present the best cost-benefit for Brazilian utilities already tested and in use in Europe and USA
  • Easy integration of radio networks with electrical cable and fiber optic networks for Automation, SCADA and Meters; multiple spectrum is used to connect a set of devices (radios, routers, switches, protection and control relays from the main leading manufacturers in the market) under a single management platform and maximum embedded cybersecurity protection.

In this face-to-face workshop, we will teach you the simple way to manage all the elements of your networks from the open architecture SNMP Supervisor system developed by 4RF and updated annually at no cost to customers.
4RF leads the development of radio and networking technologies focused on the needs of electrical, water, sewage and gas utilities.

#LTE #4G #5G #3GPP #DMVPN #VRF #utilities #smartmetering #smartgrid #innovation #technology #4RF #IPSec #IEC61850 #IEEE1613 #256QAM #GRE #mGRE #EIGRP #SFP #videosurveillance #security

#ATPC in this workshop:
  • Evolution of SCADA and Automation networks in the year 2023 – Brazil and worldwide
  • Getting to a Modern IoT Network From Investing in Automation to Today
  • The importance of LTE/5G systems in public service concessionaires
  • Automation of primary and secondary substations: needs and solutions
  • Wireless network integration: technologies, manufacturers, new regulations
  • Network integration: fiber optics, Giga Ethernet, Ethernet, Serial, RTU, meters
  • Routing protocols, Mesh, self-healing, traffic management techniques, frequency reuse
  • Centralized management with security
  • Cyber ​​security threats and how to protect your company with 4RF solutions
  • Participants' practice using APRISA LTE and APRISA SR+ devices on the same network.
  • Learn how to specify, test and ensure that the chosen option meets your expectations before deciding on your new investment.
  • Success Stories

Workshop CISCO

Fernando Zamai ( Lider de Cybersegurança Brasil)

George Almeida (Cybersecurity Solutions Architect)

Ricardo Dias(Cybersecurity Solutions Architect)

Geopolitical evolution and the consolidation of emerging technologies have reshaped the DNA of cyber threats and exponentially increased the damage caused by cybercriminals. This, as underlined by the last edition of the World Economic Forum, is “exacerbating interconnected energy, economic and geopolitical crises”, it is no coincidence that Cybersecurity is the fifth domain of military defense of many countries alongside Air, Sea, Land and Space.
In this workshop we will address:

  • Anatomy of Attacks: An immersion in the criminal underworld to understand their motivation, how they are organized and what tactics and techniques they use to invade networks and applications.
  • Defense Strategy: What technologies exist to combat each of the stages of the structured attack, their vectors and how to integrate and cooperate with each other to automatically respond to incidents as a defense architecture and not as isolated and inefficient products.
  • li>
  • Cisco Secure Firewall: Features the only Next Generation FireWall on the market that is threat-oriented, advanced IT and OT features, layer 7 inspections, integrations, high availability and performance.
  • Architecture of Secure Industrial Networks: How to apply the defense strategy in OT industrial networks exploring the benefits of an integrated architecture in order to actually protect the most critical networks in the world.

March 29, 2023 • Wednesday

Opening ceremony

Fernando Mosna – Director - Aneel
Vinicius Caram – Superintendent of Grants and Provision Resources - Anatel
Marcelo Prais – Director - ONS
Caio Pompeu de Souza Brasil Neto – Director-President - Furnas
Rodrigo Leal - Assistant to the Operations Board - Chesf
Paulo Osterkamp – Director Sales for Government and Utilities - Cisco

Regulatory Aspects - Regulation that impacts
the quality of service provided by Utilities


Fernando Mosna – Aneel - Director

Vinicius Caram – Anatel - Superintendent of Granting and Resources for Provision

Marcelo Prais – ONS - Director

Adrian Grilli - EUTC – Spectrum Group Manager

Ron Bilodeau – Osmose

The evolution of the Brazilian electrical matrix is ​​being changed with a sharp entry of Solar and Wind Distributed Generation assets, as well as the new transmission and distribution networks. Telecommunications and automation systems need to adhere to the modernizations provided for in G/T/D and the regulation must address this need.

In this panel we will address the regulatory agendas of Aneel and Anatel, we will talk about the security needs of the ONS, we will present solutions in the area of ​​spectrum for European utilities and we will show the treatment of the issue of sharing infrastructure poles in the USA and Europe.

Operation Modernization: How new technologies
can and will impact utilities operations


Heron Fontana – Process and Technology Director - Neoenergia
Alessandro Fernandes - CIO - Taesa
Gustavo Valfre - Technology Vice President – ​​Grupo Energisa
Julio Omori - Smart Grid and Special Projects Superintendent - Copel
William Alves de Souza – Engineering and Automation Manager - Cemig

Companies are always looking for ways to improve their productivity, the quality of their services and innovation. At every moment we are faced with new technologies that provide the emergence of new services that help companies to improve the service to their consumer base either by reducing costs or by improving the productivity of their OT networks New tools also allow for better observability and control of your networks offering action/reaction in real time.
In this panel we will hear from utility executives how their companies are taking advantage of these resources.





From AMI to Big Data: The evolution of AMI projects through Data Analytics platforms and their impacts on business

Fabio Jardim - Logicalis

Understand the entire data analysis process, from capture to integration, creation of cloud platforms for combining corporate data, in order to guarantee demand forecast, need to build new plants, billing, avoid fraud, etc. and find out how Logicalis can support you on this journey.

Implementing the Concept of “Security Driven Networking”: A Practical View

Fernando Lobo - Fortinet

What is needed for a company in the electricity sector to be prepared to embrace the challenges of Energy 4.0? One of the main elements is the creation of a communication network that supports the demand for more speed, availability and reliability.

In this context, where this network opens up to cloud management systems and interconnection with the Internet, it is important to modernize this infrastructure already integrating cybersecurity concepts.

In this presentation, Fortinet will explain what are the main technological components that make this integration of security and connectivity possible and will have the participation of Alexandre Oliveira, Manager of the operational networks department at CHESF, so that he can share the experience of how his company is doing solving this challenge.


Coffee Break Sponsorship:

Telecom Sharing: Opportunities and challenges to leverage gains between Utilities and Operators

Rosana Pereira - Energisa

Marcelo Pelin - Celesc

Alan Soares - State Grid

Eduardo Campaner - CGT Eletrosul

The search for operational efficiency and cost optimization presents the sharing of Telecom infrastructure as a relevant lever for Utilities.
The growing need for connectivity challenges the sector in the search for synergies, new business models, updating standards and bringing utilities, operators and providers closer together.

This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Overview of cyber threats in Latin America

Fernando Santos - Kaspersky

A vision of cybersecurity in the context of threats and the need for protection for the industry sector and mission-critical infrastructure in Latin America.

Activities of International Agencies related to the development of the Brazilian electricity sector

Rodrigo Mota – USTDA

Laura Netto – Canadian Consulate

In this panel, representatives of the US and Canadian governments present the conditions to support modernization projects for Brazilian utilities.


Coffee Break Sponsorship:


Tom Luiz Zem Araujo e Cristine Korowajczuk - CELPLAN

In this lecture, CelPlan from Brazil and the USA will present a consolidated methodology for the development of a Private Wireless Network for Critical Mission. The fundamental steps to be observed for a Critical Mission Network to achieve the desired performance will be presented, including:

  • Preliminary Steps
  • Technological Decision
  • Regulatory Aspects
  • Grant
  • Registration
  • Licensing
  • Printing Licenses
  • Issuance of RNI Reports in compliance with resolution 700/2018
  • Executive Stage
  • Modeling and Propagation Models
  • Types of Maps
  • Spectrum Cleaning / Spectrum Cleaning
  • RF Design Considering Coverage, Capacity, and Intrasystem Interference
  • Surveys and Documentation
  • Implementation Methodology
  • Acceptance Steps
  • Test notebook
  • Methodology for measurement
  • Fine Tuning / Optimization / Troubleshooting
  • Technical PMO

In addition, case studies of projects with Utilities from Brazil and the USA where different technologies were applied to meet different needs will be presented.

Innovation perspectives for Utilities with the use of 4G and 5G in the spectrum of private networks

Gustavo Correa Lima - CPQD

Historically, the utilities sector has defended the availability of spectrum for private networks in Brazil and worldwide. With the arrival of 5G, many countries, including Brazil, opened up new opportunities for using licensed spectrum for private networks. Coupled with the innovations introduced in new 3GPP releases, both in 4G and 5G, the industry now finds a fertile environment where these enabling technologies will drive a revolution in the operating environment with innovations such as Digital Twins, Augmented Reality, AI and IoT, increasing efficiency and quality of services provided

This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Energy Transition and Digitization of Distribution Operations: how Brazilian Utilities are facing this transformation.

Roberto Falco - Accenture

The Energy Transition is strongly influencing Utilities' business environment in Brazil. In this panel, Accenture will present how the large Brazilian groups are modernizing their Operations Centers and how this impacts the network monitoring and automation requirements. Highlight: communication requirements with distribution automation; communication with smart meters; integration with distributed energy resources and cyber security.

Does 5G make 4G private LTE networks obsolete?

John Yaldwyn – 4RF

This is the decade where private LTE became practical, with spectrum available in only a few countries, most notably the US. Why are spectrum regulators slow to help utilities stay focused?

Without spectrum for private utility networks, concessionaires of dedicated broadband networks will not improve. Instead, utilities will have to compete with video consumers such as YouTube® or Netflix™ on public carrier networks where service level agreements are rare. This constrains network capacity and latency, impacting potential utility use cases.

In addition to spectrum availability issues, there is also a natural reluctance to invest in 4G when 5G is rapidly being rolled out by commercial operators. Will a private LTE 4G network remain viable going forward? There's a lot of hype when it comes to these important topics, this presentation will review the possible options. We will look at technologies such as Dynamic Spectrum Sharing, which enables the coexistence of 4G/5G endpoints and will enable an orderly migration from 4G to 5G, extending the lifespan of LTE devices.


Coffee Break Sponsorship:

Find the right technologies for the electric power transition in Brazil

Flavio Hott e Edwin Diender - Huawei

CCTV+GPON+IP (Firewall, Switch, Router and Industrial ONU) + SDH – A conversation about Cases

Accelerating Digital Transformation in the Energy & Utilities

Bruno Silveira - AWS

AWS will introduce Summit attendees to the strategic vision of innovation and transformation that AWS has brought to the global utility market (Power, Water & Gas). It will address the utility industry value chain transformation, and how AWS has supported both the IT and OT areas of large organizations in their modernization and transformation processes.

This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Multi-Cloud Applications for Utilities

Paulo Osterkamp – Cisco

The hybrid cloud requires changes in culture and operational processes, check out how Cisco can securely enable teams and processes in the Multi-Cloud adoption journey. Connect to the clouds of your choice, maintain connectivity control and visibility everywhere to deliver better results.

Dashboard - When Ransomware Strikes: Ransomware's Impact on OT Environments

Fernando Zamai - Cisco

Felipe Ribeiro – Claroty

Pedro Godoy - NTT

Nycholas Szucko - Q13/Nozomi

Raphael Pereira - Accenture

Pedro Eurico - Tenable


Coffee Break Sponsorship:

Continued - Panel - When Ransomware Strikes: Ransomware's Impact on OT Environments

Fernando Zamai - Cisco

Felipe Ribeiro – Claroty

Pedro Godoy - NTT

Nycholas Szucko - Q13/Nozomi

Raphael Pereira-Accenture

Pedro Eurico - Tenable

This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

March 30, 2023 • Thursday


GeOnline/Intellergy DSS - Innovation in ENEL's Distribution Control Center

Thiago Martins - Enel

Rafael Pagan - DDMX

Learn about the solution adopted at ENEL's Distribution Control Center that optimizes the operation by integrating data from systems (operation, maintenance, corporate, consumers) and using data analytics, business intelligence and AI/ML technologies. Operates as an additional "layer" offering an integrated and real-time view of all aspects of the distribution operation, for operators, technicians, field crews and managers to plan, visualize, coordinate, operate, control, maintain and report the distribution system.

Koala Project - Sensing of fuses along
the distribution network

Thamara Verde - Smart Grid Manager - Equatorial Energia Group

The Koala Project deals with the insertion of sensors in fuse switches (TS300S), which use the SigFox network as a means of communication, whose objective is to detect the displacement of the switch (opening) and the absence of current in the section. Speeding up the journey of a team to the location, and reducing the duration of the power outage for the customer. Currently, the Equatorial Energia Group has the first city 100% sensed and covered by the SigFox network, which was a communication solution found because the cost-benefit ratio can serve areas that do not have a telephone signal.



Projeto e Implantação Envolvendo Sistema de Telecomunicação LTE (Long Term Evolution) 250MHz Privado na Automação de Dispositivos em Redes de Distribuição e Transmissão na Região de São Leopoldo (RS)

Ciro Faccini - CPFL

Description: The purpose of this work is to present the reasons for using the 250MHz frequency band, the planning carried out, the start of installations in the field, as well as the first results obtained by CPFL using this new LTE network, in view of the characteristics of the Group's current operating systems and telecommunications.

Result of the evaluation of the 410MHz band in Neoenergia's 4G/LTE private communication network

Alan Macieira - Neoenergia

Pioneer among energy distributors in Latin America to operate a private 4G LTE network, Neoenergia carried out, through a proof of concept (PoC), the evaluation of the use of the 410MHz band for the expansion of its private communication networks. The sub-giga frequency band is seen by the company as having great potential in building a multiservice LTE network, as it allows for the aggregation of broadband services, narrowband services, mission-critical services and low-cost, low-data consumption technologies, such as NB- IoT (Narrowband IoT) and Cat-M, which open opportunities for internet of things (IoT) communication for smart meter, automated reclosers, loss sensors, capacitor bank and voltage regulators. Get to know the results of this success story, the lessons learned, opportunities and possibilities for evolution.

Are we already prepared for the DERMS?

Sergio Milani - Copel

In this presentation, technical and regulatory aspects will be presented for the application of the DERMs Platform to the reality of energy companies in Brazil



Video surveillance in substations: Technology for the benefit of operational efficiency

Alexandre Antonio Paixão de Oliveira - CHESF

In 2020, new versions of the ONS Grid Procedures were published, in order to meet the new teleassistance requirements of the facilities. Specifically, sub-module 2.16 - Operational requirements for operation centers and facilities of the Operation Network, in its item 4.3.1, made mandatory the uninterrupted monitoring of the situation in the yard and in the control and protection rooms of strategic facilities.

Aiming to serve you, Chesf began in 2021 the implementation of a video surveillance system, contemplating meeting operational requirements, as well as physical security needs.

In the presentation, we will highlight that the implementation of the operational video surveillance project is not restricted to simply meeting network procedure requirements, as the system's built-in functionalities bring greater operational efficiency to the agents of the electricity sector, through greater observability and controllability of your installations. In addition, in the future, data analysis and pattern recognition capabilities can be added with various applications for the sector.

Neoenergia deploys a microgrid with 100% renewable energy in an isolated community in Bahia as an alternative to
energy supply

Débora Rodrigues e José Antonio de Souza Brito - Neoenergia

The microgrid system, still little explored in Brazil, was implemented by Neoenergia to guarantee a 24-hour supply of quality, efficient and sustainable energy to an isolated community in the north of Bahia. The solution, consisting of a solar plant and distribution network, is an innovative energy alternative that can provide economic and social development for families. The Research and Development project is related to the expectation that the technology will have greater acceptance in the market, which can reduce costs, enabling the expansion of solutions like this in the country, benefiting other communities in remote areas that are not yet served. through the conventional distribution grid.

Quality Indicators for
Telecommunications Systems applied to Automation: Definition, Actions and Results

Felipe Kuster de Freitas e Jefferson Alberto de Souza - EDP

To achieve the Targets and Indicators defined by ANEEL and remain competitive in the market, the electricity distributor needs to deliver a quality product at the lowest possible cost in an environment regulated and controlled by targets. In this work, EDP presents the Telecommunications Master Plan containing the implementation of quality measurement indicators (IET, IDC, AUTUS, among others) of telecommunications systems applied to energy distribution. The critical success factors are defined and action plans are presented to achieve the goals by 2025. In addition, EDP presents its vision and results of its Proofs of Concepts with the technologies LTE 250MHz, LTE 2.3GHz, NbIoT and the role of technological development and innovation in telecommunications systems applied to the critical mission and the expectation for the evolution of communication technologies in the electrical sector.


Coffee Break Sponsorship:
Moderator: PATRÍCIA IGREJA – Q13

Challenges in the maintenance of optical fibers in OPGW cables: recurring problems in adverse scenarios

Diogo Guimarães Alves e Fábio Gonçalves Teixeira - Furnas

In this presentation, we will discuss the main problems that FURNAS routinely deals with in the maintenance of tens of thousands of kilometers of fibers in OPGW cables in different regions of the country, maintaining the availability of the backbone of the FURNAS telecommunications system despite the many complex and diverse scenarios faced.

Implementation and benefits achieved through the application of SD-WAN at Energisa

Thiago Xavier Peixoto de Vasconcelos - Energisa

Motivated by challenges and innovation, Energisa updated its corporate network topology using SD-WAN technology. This change brought greater resilience, link capacity and security to the network, in addition to optimizing Telecom operating costs.

Implementation of IoT for Warehouse Management at State Grid Brazil Holding

Raphael Leal dos Santos e Fang Bing - State Grid Brazil Holding

Technology has advanced by leaps and bounds and the warehouse management process needs to keep up with this process, that said, the asset management team of the Operation and Maintenance department at State Grid implemented the internet of things to improve the performance of the teams and increase process reliability.

This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Operational Risk Reduction & Business Continuity

Nycholas Szucko - Q13/Nozomi

Understand how Nozomi can help you with visibility of your environment as a whole, with an adequate solution for each type of architecture, and without performance problems; supporting to raise the level of Cybersecurity, reduce the attack surface, in addition to delivering an entire predictive analysis methodology based on effective action items with our unique Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence technology. To do this, we anticipate operational or cybernetic anomalies, help in the diagnosis and incident response process, supporting the reduction of operational risk, business continuity & Safety.

Disaster recovery after cyber incidents at large hydropower plants.

Thiago Branquinho – TI Safe

During the presentation, the following topics will be covered:

  • Unforeseen happen
  • Cyber ​​threats have changed their profile
  • The energy sector is the target of attacks
  • Is your UH ready?
  • Introduction to business continuity management
  • Applicable regulations and standards
  • Definition of a PCN
  • Threats considered for a large UH
  • impact scenarios
  • potential occurrences
  • Common technologies in UHs and respective recovery strategies
  • contingency operation
  • recovery areas
  • Use cases
  • Doubts



New technologies and the impact on the next wave of investment in smart metering in Brazil

Ricardo Monteiro Fernandes – Landis+Gyr

How the new electricity measurement technologies will guide and allow the electricity sector to modernize, offering tools so that there is a synergy between the Distributor Operations and the Regulation in a way that generates benefits for the whole society, contributing for better demand management, the introduction of new tariff modalities, the quality of the service provided, the monitoring of consumption by the consumer and the introduction of new energy services through intelligence and transformation of data into useful information for decision making.< /p>

Success Case – Eletrobrás Group

Fernando Spencer – Eletrobrás

Marcio Wanderley - Eletrobrás

Diogo Alves - Furnas

Pablo Mascarenhas – Chesf

Eduardo Campaner – CGT Eletrosul

Italo Calvano - Claroty

Thales Cyrino - NTT

How Brazil's largest Utility trod its journey to protect its critical infrastructure and ONS requirements

Round Table



Digital convergence and intelligent management of water supply.

Anderson Schamne - Sanepar

Huawei's experience in communication evolutions and migration in electrical transmission networks

Paulo Murakami - Huawei

With the advent of new technologies, transport protocols and the movement of products on the market, the utilities sector sees the need to update its transmission solutions to keep up with this technological evolution. New solutions will be presented to maintain the existing legacy system, and thus allow a smooth migration to more current technologies, preserving investment and mitigating operational risks.

Challenges of Digital Substations: Teleprotection and Differential Protection via GOOSE Protocol in MPLS-TP networks

Ricardo Alencar - Hitachi Energy

Hitachi Energy will present the implementation of Teleprotection and Differential Protection services over MPLS-TP Networks, as well as the innovative solutions that support the challenges of customers around the world.

We will discuss the criticality of uptime propagation of systems and differentials implemented through the GOOSE Protocol, with a case study in a large MPLS-TP network.


Coffee Break Sponsorship:

IoT solutions in mission critical applications in Utilities

Sófocles Monteiro - ATIVA

Solutions that use IoT connectivity for monitoring and control in the energy area for Telecontrol of electronic reclosers, capacitor banks, voltage regulators and fault sensors installed in the medium voltage network, and in the area of Telemeasurement for group A and B customers, free customers and border measurement. In sanitation companies connectivity for ETEs and ETAs monitoring of grant management, management of macro measurement to control the flow and pressure of the water distribution network, automation of water and sewage pumping sewage treatment stations, in Utilities of gas protection of cathodic, remote measurement classified areas (risk).

Low orbit constellations, fiber anywhere.

Eugenio Mrozinski Neto - Hughes

Ricardo Robles Leite – Neoenergia

Eduardo Henrique Trepodoro - CPFL

Low Orbit Satellites, with low latency, high availability, self-installation, QoS, ideal for critical applications anywhere in Brazil. Which critical applications in the energy sector can be met through the new LEO constellations and which are the new possibilities for the sector to be addressed with this technology. Main difference between existing constellations, and what to expect in the short and medium term.

Telecommunications Solution to Service Distribution Networks: Comparative Case Study between Conventional Networks and PON Networks

Romaisa Lopes Cabral - Cemig

With the growing demand for automation and measurement services that require communication via a telecommunications system, it is necessary to evaluate solutions that simplify current standards and support the expansion of these services. Thus, the objective of this feasibility study was to compare, from a technical and financial point of view, the use of PON networks (passive optical networks) to serve distribution network services in environments outside the substation - underground distribution networks - and also in the internal environment of the substation.

This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Private Networks for Utilities

Adrian Grilli - EUTC

Carlos Lauria - Huawei

John Yaldwyn – 4RF

Maria Aparecida Muniz - ANATEL

Does your company evaluate the possibility of having fully autonomous connectivity, with your data traveling outside commercial networks?
This format is already used in Brazil with 4G technology but, once the regulator has regulated the use of radio frequency bands for 5G technology, the migration and implementation of new networks already in this model becomes a trend.
In this panel, speakers will show what private networks are, their benefits, regulatory issues, security and how utilities are seeing this evolution.



GE Challenges and Solutions for LTE and Narrowband Radio Projects.

Ricardo Serra - GE

GE GRID Solutions apresenta os desafios para projetos de rádio LTE e Banda Estreita, trazendo soluções com mais flexibilidade e imunidade para instalações em ambiente crítico onde coexistam outros sistemas de rádio.

New paradigms of communication networks for Utilities – Private LTE and 5G

João Victor Bissoli - Teltronic

The progressive appearance of 5G networks is shaping a new scenario for different industries on the way to digitization, allowing the implementation and development of a new set of applications aimed at increasing productivity and optimizing processes, achieving cost reductions and improvements in operation.

In this session, you will discover the important advantages offered by 4G and 5G private networks and how they will be the support on which what is known as the fourth industrial revolution develops.

Cybersecurity in utilities with private radio and cellular networks

John Yaldwyn – 4RF

Private radio and public/private cellular LTE 4G and NR 5G are maturing as field area network (FAN) solutions, but the implementation of security mechanisms within these networks is not yet universal and not well understood . Cybersecurity in any network is essential, especially in essential services such as transmission and distribution of electricity. The introduction of SCADA and new productivity systems provides an opportunity to review security, and this presentation will consider available options and review NIST recommendations.

This session will first introduce security fundamentals with an understanding of key security pillars of confidentiality, integrity and availability to which we need to add accountability and non-repudiation for a complete SCADA cyber context. The basics of cryptography and authentication will be covered with reference to standards such as AES, secure hashing algorithms, and RADIUS.

The following is an introduction to NIST Special Publication 800-82: A Guide to the Security of Industrial Control Systems ( ICS) highlighting specific communication network recommendations and corresponding options available from various vendors. Strengths and weaknesses of security and ease of use will also be considered, as well as the impact of throughput on FAN performance.

Finally, the presentation will conclude with a brief introduction and update on the Process Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Program at NIST. Will the exponentially faster computational power promised by quantum computers undermine current security algorithms?


Moderator: PATRÍCIA IGREJA – Q13

Rotina Operacional de Segurança Cibernética do ONS – Sua empresa está preparada para cumprir o prazo final nestes 5 meses restantes?

Serafim Ivo Faria – Fortinet

The 1st wave of implementation of cybersecurity controls in the operational routine of the ONS has been in effect since 09/Jan/2023, and the deadline for the second wave is approaching (9/10/23). What has your company already done, and what is missing?

For companies in the electricity sector to be properly trained to overcome difficulties and comply with the cybersecurity requirements established by the ONS, one of the key elements is the implementation of communication networks and security infrastructure that are robust enough to support the new context of digital transformation that the SIN is going through. This new landscape with the adoption of dozens of cybersecurity technologies places the entire sector at the forefront of the challenge of protecting against greater exposure and the growing increase in cyber attacks. During this interesting session, Fortinet will address the main technological components to enable this connectivity in an integrated and secure way, also counting on the participation of Marcelo Braquinho, CEO of TISafe, who will announce his ONS Ready offer from TI Safe based on MSS (Managed Security Services) of Fortinet Security Solutions.

EyON solution: a new way to monitor distribution networks

Daniel Blanco - Furukawa

The EyON platform, in synergy with OPDC cables, closely monitors the power grid infrastructure, instantly detecting any cable failure. With this solution, you can expect a quick and effective response to any unforeseen event, significantly minimizing correction time.

Tait Solutions for Electric Power Network Automation

Roberio Araújo - TAIT

Use of Tait Communications portfolio for automation of maneuvers in distribution networks, using DMR solutions and accessories in the VHF/UHF bands


Coffee Break Sponsorship:

Line Differential Teleprotection Schemes, Transfer-Trip and GOOSE Message Exchange between Substations in the Packet World (MPLS-TP)

Alessandro Bonequini - Siemens

Today, Power Transmitters are being directed to gradually replace their TDM technology SDH multiplexer networks with packet technology networks, PTN (Packet Transport Networks), which can use MPLS-TP as a protocol transport communication, in general, the main challenges in this transition phase will be how to migrate their communications infrastructure based on circuit switching to packets in order to handle the transmission of critical messages in a reliable and secure manner.

Objective from the presentation:

Prove through practical test scenarios that legacy TDM services are supported natively, through CES Circuit Emulation (Circuit Emulation Services) within the MPLS-TP technology;

Applications of Protection/Teleprotection critical messaging services, supported by comparative tests using the C37.94 interfaces of TDM and MPLS-TP technology and coexistence between the two MPLS-TP technologies interoperable with TDM technology;<

Applicability of Goose message exchanges between substations and their performance analyzed by Caixa Daneo Omicrom;

Presentation of the results and conclusions of the practical tests of the applications carried out, proving the effectiveness and reliability of the MPLS-TP technology as a means of transporting critical messaging services, replacing or interoperating with existing TDM technology.

Industrial IoT Dashboard - Mission Critical Applications

Alan Macieira - Neoenergia

Eduardo Santos – Hitachi

Emanuela Lima – GE Energy

Today we have several technologies and seemingly countless number of emerging technologies in the Industrial IoT ecosystem. We will review the advantages and disadvantages of each of these technologies and what to consider during the network design process. For each of these technologies we will discuss their feasibility, commercial availability and scalability.

This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Managing the exposure risk of IT/OT convergence

Jose Perez - Tenable

As the convergence of IT and OT networks continues to grow, organizations face increased exposure risks. This Tenable presentation will provide attendees with practical solutions to mitigate these risks. We will explore Tenable's comprehensive cyber risk management solutions, including vulnerability identification and prioritization, configuration control, and asset inventory. Additionally, we will discuss the importance of having wide visibility of a growing attack surface as companies digitally transform their business, and how a risk-based approach can help improve overall security posture.

Difficulty in Communication in the Utilities Sector

Richard Cruz and Douglas Marques-Byne

Marcelo Sturmann - Globalsat

In remote regions that typically have poor coverage, field crews can find it very difficult to achieve clean, uninterrupted communication. A situation that happens routinely in energy transmission and distribution companies, which need to keep electrical network maintenance teams circulating in all corners of the country, from the most accessible to the most isolated. In this lecture we will talk about how to uncomplicate communication in the Utilities sector and we will bring our successful cases.



Validated Architectures for Electric Sector Operating Networks

Severiano Leão Macedo - Cisco

An overview of the network architectures adopted by the electricity sector, with integrated use of standardized Zero Convergence network protocols such as PRP, HSR and PTP. MPLS transport networks and Cybersecurity applications in OT

Como ir além da segurança com o SOC

Pedro Godoy - NTT

Did you know that a specialized Security Operation Center (SOC) can go beyond cyber defense? In this lecture, we will address very interesting cases and ways on how it is possible to protect the integrity and physical security of automation environments, in addition to commenting on a practical case experienced by NTT's SOC.

Challenges and Opportunities for the implementation of private networks by Utilities in Brazil. A point of view based on national and international experiences.

José Marcelo Vilela - Accenture

Evolving mobile technologies, spectrum availability, cybersecurity challenges, and other factors bring the opportunity for Utilities to discuss investing in modern private networks. Accenture has developed a point of view that brings together national and international experiences on the subject, and discusses the challenges and opportunities that Brazilian Utilities face.



Cybersecurity in mission-critical environments

Grazziani Souza -Kaspersky

Description: Cybersecurity solutions for protection, detection and incident response in industrial and mission critical environments with demo.

Incident response in Critical Infrastructure environments

Rodrigo Rosa - Petrobras

Tácito Santos - NTT

The importance of visibility and security for critical infrastructure environments in an automated way in order to reduce response time in case of incidents. The best practices implemented in the operation of a SOC environment will be addressed in order to increase efficiency in the process of identifying and containing anomalous behavior. To facilitate the understanding of this process, real cases successfully treated will be presented.

PERFECT STORM – How to prepare for real-world cyberattacks

Ricardo Tavares - Gemina

We are excited to present an innovative and informative talk that will show how to prevent cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure. Based on more than 50 security incidents handled in the last 24 months, the lecture will present examples of real cases and technical demonstrations of the most common types of vulnerabilities and attacks, including attacks that compromise a supervisory (SCADA). During the talk, we'll introduce you to how criminals operate, including how they recruit employees to facilitate attacks and where companies tend to go wrong. In addition, we will address technical, human and psychological problems that are caused after an attack, showing the real impact of a cyber attack on a company. The talk will also highlight the difference between the real world and what is written in a cybersecurity policy, emphasizing that applying a standard is not always enough to protect a company. Finally, best practices will be presented to ensure protection against cyberattacks in the real world, including complete technical demonstrations of how an attack starts and how it is executed until the total compromise of the environment. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from the experience and knowledge of experts who deal daily with real attacks and help large companies recover from cyber incidents.


Coffee Break Sponsorship:

Fit-for-Purpose Utilities Business Solutions: An End-to-End Technology and Opportunity Discovery Model

Marcus Vinicius Costa Floriano - Tivit

Based on the infrastructure, automation, modernization of operations and systems, asset management, cloud and telecom solutions that we have already delivered to large utility customers, we present here some of our experience and a work method that enables the delivery solutions increasingly suited to the specific needs of each company in the segment. Starting from an overview of implemented solutions and how we integrate services ranging from operation, maintenance and projects for our own telecom network, we will deal with fleet management with realtime monitoring and messaging solutions using hybrid satellite and terrestrial communication; to the delivery of Data and Analytics solutions that enable Data Driven.

With an approach on how Utilities companies can explore their opportunities, adding, in addition to technology, solutions suitable for the purpose of the business, we unite the experience gained from our successful cases to the ability to understand their pain, their processes and structure, thus, with a holistic view of the sector, we seek solutions that make sense for the company and that generate a high impact for the business.

OT Zero Trust - How Zero Trust can support Cyber Incident Detection and Response.

Eduardo Honorato - Munio

Zero Trust is the older of the two strategies and currently has greater market savvy, but there is actually a considerable amount of overlap between the approaches, which demonstrates a growing consensus on best practice approaches to securing infrastructure and data from IT and OT. As the name implies, Zero Trust is based on the simple premise that there is no such thing as a trusted source. This means that cybersecurity teams need to assume that there are attackers present inside and outside their networks and therefore treat all traffic as suspicious. This, in turn, suggests that no communication should be permitted until each party is properly authenticated and authorized.

How can SD-WAN benefit Utilities?

Leonardo Ferreira e Rafael Lupiano – CISCO

In recent years, most companies have been implementing SD-WAN technology in order to improve the experience of connectivity to applications both in the cloud and in the data center, especially for remote users. The migration of many applications to the cloud during the pandemic has further driven this trend.

But, does this solution also bring real benefits to the Utilities Operations area? In this session we will discuss how SD-WAN can help improve WAN connectivity in substations and distributed sites, simplifying and streamlining infrastructure provisioning, through automation and the possibility of connecting several different technologies that are already used by Utilities, such as DMVPN, IPsec and MPLS, public or private 5G connections.

This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

March 31, 2023 • Friday


SCADA 4.0 journey: challenges, improvements and high performance applied to Grupo Energisa

Aluisio de Barros Leite and Maurício Dias Avelino - Energisa

Motivated by the complexity of managing the SCADA systems distributed at Grupo Energisa, a program was developed to modernize the SCADA administration, operation, security and maintenance processes.

The results obtained from the implementation of projects provided gains in performance, standardization and safety at Grupo Energisa's Operation Centers.

Operative teleassistance for the Electricity Sector –
Solutions and Challenges

Roberto César da Silva – ISA Cteep

Essa palestra irá apresentar a solução de Teleassistência Operativa utilizada na ISA CTEEP para atendimento ao Procedimento de Rede ONS, as soluções aplicadas observando a infraestrutura existente e novos empreendimentos, os desafios de integração de diversas tecnologias a rede operativa e com o sistema supervisório observando requisitos de segurança de rede e ao sistema elétrico. Desafio de desenvolver o projeto considerando integração de diversos departamentos e conhecimentos multidisciplinares, devido à sua abrangência, não se limitando a telecomunicações.

Implementation difficulties will also be discussed, such as the development of suppliers and manufacturers, technical characteristics of equipment, unitizing several manufacturers of different technologies and equipment such as (Routers / Switches / Cameras / Servers) in a single project, addressing decisions and strategies that bring success and that caused difficulties during the implantation. Presentation of lessons learned and putting on the agenda with the participating public what we see as opportunities for technological advancement in the segment.

Lithium batteries to service the telecom system

Alan Soares and Karina Cunha – State Grid Brasil Holding

Presentation of the implementation of the use of lithium batteries in compliance with the requirement established in item 4.10.2 Direct current supply for telecommunication systems of submodule 2.6 - Minimum requirements for substations and their equipment.

The motivation, the challenges of the project, a brief technological comparison with other technologies, the lessons learned from the implementation and a case will be addressed.



Telecommunications Supervision Center (CST) -
Activities and Characteristics

Willian Ramos Cerqueira and Roberta Carvalho dos Santos - Furnas

We will present our Telecommunications Center, its origin, evolution and new strategies that have been implemented to allow the supervision of a growing number of increasingly complex systems, whose importance increases significantly as the digitalization of facilities expands.

Telecommunications Solution for Dam Safety: Cemig Case Study – Individual Notification Device x Mass Notification

Gabriel de Castro Almeida - Cemig

Cemig has been studying emergency notification systems for dams for some time, evaluating the best use in each scenario. There are basically two possibilities: Individual Notification and Mass Notification. They differ both from the point of view of application and from the point of view of the telecommunications system. The purpose of this work is to present the two Telecom architectures, to show their differences and challenges from the feasibility studies to the project stage, implementation, operation and maintenance of the system.





This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.
Moderator: PATRÍCIA IGREJA – Q13

Planning and Feasibility Studies of an LTE Network to
Attend Automation and Medication Services – Cemig Case Study

Leonardo Bahia Pinto Lima - Cemig

In recent years, Cemig has been investing in the use of proprietary radiofrequency networks to provide last-mile automation services for distribution equipment and advanced measurement infrastructure (AMI). These projects have contributed to improving the performance of the main electricity supply continuity indicators, DEC and FEC, as well as reducing commercial losses and increasing efficiency in the operating processes of the distribution system. However, there is still a strong dependence on the 3G and 4G communication networks of public telecommunications operators, which historically do not have adequate availability and resilience to support mission-critical services in the electricity sector. Thus, this work aims to present the vision of planning and feasibility studies for the implementation of a private LTE to meet Cemig's automation and measurement services in an integrated manner.

Implementation of the IP MPLS network at Celesc Distribuição and challenges faced

Giancarlo Scolaro - Celesc

A report on the backbone modernization project carried out by Celesc, migrating to an IP MPLS solution supporting different services, including teleprotection and differential protection, presenting the implemented solution and the challenges faced.

Structuring AMI projects, their efficiencies and capabilities
for a new regulatory moment

Ricardo Barcelos Silva - Landis&Gyr

After 12 years carrying out AMI projects within the national territory, Landis+Gyr, world leader in smart grid solutions, presents data on the challenges and successes of the contracted and delivered AMI structuring projects. Also, today's facts and status will be presented, regarding the efficiency of these projects that are still in operation.

It is known that AMI projects are not static initiatives, isolated or summarized to momentary pilots, but structuring and dynamic opportunities for distributors, therefore, aspects related to day-to-day life and the benefits and efficiencies of these will be addressed , its contracted service levels year after year.

In the midst of several ongoing public consultations by the regulator, it will be presented why these distributors are closer to these future demands and to maximizing their investments, quickly serving their customers, with these smart infrastructures installed.




Francisco Dutra - Q13

An intelligent, flexible and customizable video surveillance platform that detects anomalous events in the most diverse operating environments, using artificial intelligence methods, and applies safety rules, preventing the occurrence of accidents. Developed for Petrobras, with a focus on work safety in hostile environments, it is now embedded in intelligent, robust appliances, ready to operate in complex plants, incorporating various applications and offering compatibility with different types of cameras, even some that already exist in the plant..

Segurança cibernética e fraudes digitais

Bruno Macena dos Santos - Energisa

Studies indicate that digital fraud has grown significantly in recent years, driven by the increase in e-commerce and online financial transactions. According to surveys, the total amount of losses caused by payment fraud on the internet has already exceeded US$ 200 billion worldwide.

of psychological manipulation by social engineering and phishing and companies play a fundamental role in preventing and combating these frauds.

Investing in cybersecurity and employee and customer awareness is essential to protecting the financial integrity of customers and the company's reputation.





This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Sub-1GHz Radio Ecosystem for utilities

Mario Torraca - UTCAL

UTCAL has been working with ANATEL to obtain RF frequencies that allow UTILTIES to deploy intelligent systems (SMART GRIDS), especially in the electricity sector, increasing the control and automation of power plants, substations and especially distribution networks. UTCAL has already obtained some frequencies for limited private services - SLP that will enable the start of the implementation of the Smart Grid.

Once the frequencies are obtained, the companies will need to acquire radio equipment for the implementation of their networks. To help companies, UTCAL is carrying out a survey with suppliers to verify which equipment is available for use in each of the frequency bands below 1 GHz available for SLP.

The Journey of Cybersecurity Regulation
in the Power Sector – UTCAL Contributions

Roberto Boucinhas - UTCAL

In Brazil, the first government initiatives in 2018 were the decrees that established policies, strategies and plans on information security, critical infrastructure security and cyber security. Based on the guidelines, actions and responsibilities indicated in these documents, the CNPE, ANEEL and ONS “dropped the level” and, in 2021, in accordance with their attributions, built a set of specific regulatory documents for the electricity sector.

UTCAL also began its journey in cybersecurity in the Brazilian electricity sector in 2018, when it formulated and proposed, together with CPqD, to ANEEL the P&D Cooperado Cibersegurança do Setor Elétrico Brasileiro.

UTCAL continues to cooperate with the cyber security of the electricity sector by stimulating a neutral environment for discussion, sharing and formulation of knowledge and solutions (“think tank”). And, in this way, contribute to meeting the regulatory demands for prevention, treatment and response to cyber incidents to raise the level of resilience in cyber security of facilities and the electrical system. Not only the current regulatory demands but also the next ones, advancing and forwarding proposals representative of the sector.

Legacy integration case and communication evolution in electricity transmission networks

William Araujo – Huawei / Connectoway

Faced with the technological evolution of transport protocols for the Utilities sector, we will present real tests of MPLS-TP solutions with legacy SDH networks. It will be demonstrated that the networks can coexist with each other, maintaining all existing services of data, voice, teleprotection and N64K multi-services, proving that the technology is already adhering to the need for current network procedures.



Huawei's experience in communication evolutions in electrical distribution networks

Paulo Murakami and Edwin Diender - Huawei

The utilities sector is faced with several challenges related to hostile environments. Conventional equipment and infrastructure end up not meeting the needs of the sector. We will present the benefits of the industrial GPON solution in different applications and scenarios

Pole Attachments regulations

Ron Bilodeau – Osmose

Details will be presented on the regulated relationship between the telecom provider and the electricity company focused on sharing poles. Topics covered will be: how the share price is defined, who prepares the infrastructure (pole) to receive a new sharer (make ready), what are the times involved from the request to the start of operation, what are the most common problems, etc.





This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.


Implementation of Advanced Measurement Infrastructure (AMI), Operational Network and Data Security for Measurement Automation in the Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (RMBH)

Daniel Senna - Cemig

How the Energy & Utilities Industry is Transforming with the Support of AWS - A Case-Based View from the Global Industry.

Victor Malof - AWS

Victor will present how AWS has supported projects of the most varied types and purposes in the Energy and Utilities industry globally. It will present practical cases and discuss how AWS innovation is helping the digital transformation of the global Utilities Sector.








This program is subject to changes and UTCAL will announce these changes through the monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the venue.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

UTCAL Summit

Previous events

See below photos of the previous events.

UTCAL Summit 2023








ALTA Awards

  • Landis+Gyr




Institutional Support

The Hotel

Windsor Barra Hotel

Av. Lúcio Costa, 2630 - Barra da Tijuca, RJ

Windsor Barra Hotel has a privileged location in Barra da Tijuca. In addition to the most extensive beach in Rio de Janeiro, the neighborhood is known for its modernity, several open-air leisure options and differentiated gastronomy. Close to Recreio dos Bandeirantes Beach and ecological reserves and shopping malls.

Windsor Barra Hotel
Windsor Barra Hotel


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