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UTCAL Summit 2024

Telecommunications and Automation Technologies for Utilities

Education, Training, Debates, Networking. An essential meeting place for the best in the utilities sector. Come and get knowledge! Learn about the latest technologies, stay up-to-date on public policy and regulation, and find industry professionals.

To enable optimization in the delivery activities of electricity, gas, water, etc., our utilities depend on the telecommunications systems and intelligent technologies that are being designed, implemented and maintained by highly qualified professionals and suppliers of innovative products & services.

The post-pandemic scenario is full of product launches, opportunities to gain new knowledge, meetings with international experts, face-to-face discussions. UTCAL Summit 2024 aims to meet all expectations and all audiences – utilities, suppliers, consultants, academics and others – who will certainly attend this important event.

UTCAL Summit 2024 offers dynamic panels, workshops and presentations. Meet industry decision makers and connect with suppliers in the exhibition area. Enjoy activities on the beautiful beach of Barra da Tijuca, while strengthening your network of relationships and knowledge in our events: ALTA – America Latina Telecom Awards and DESTAQUE Awards, dinner (reception of President – only for invited participants), cocktail and much more. This event is essential for information and communication technology (ICT) professionals, interested in not only maintaining trends, but getting ahead of the fast opportunities in the utilities scenario.

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The UTCAL Summit 2024 promotes the meeting of Public Service Concessionaires with Regulators, Government, Research Centers, Entrepreneurs, Industry, Suppliers and leading national and international experts.

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UTCAL Summit 2024

Educational Program

  • Telecom and Automation Technologies;
  • Digital Transformation;
  • Spectrum needs;
  • New Business Models for the deployment of telecommunications;
  • Collaboration;
  • The impact of Big Data on our telecommunications networks;
  • Definition of Smart Grid Requirements;
  • Cybersecurity;
  • Infrastructure and IT/OT integration;
  • Experiences and Cases;
  • International Specialists;
  • Infrastructure Sharing.

Summits in numbers:









UTCAL Summit 2024

Event Features

Environment of Knowledge exchange where different views, solutions and Brazilian and international success cases are shared.

  • Strong presence of concessionaires (2023 - more than 650 specialists, being approx. 50% of utilities);
  • International content (presence of leading experts from the USA, Europe and Latin America);
  • Great exchange of experiences between participants;
  • Open and free: no direction for a specific technical solution or supplier;
  • Pre-conference workshops;
  • A day dedicated exclusively to plenary sessions and discussions with experts;
  • Symposiums on topics of greatest interest;
  • Three days of lectures and technical events addressing specific topics related to the issues proposed by the thematic committees;
  • Three days of exhibition in Tabletop System and Booths for exhibitors to demonstrate their solutions;
  • Delivery of the ALTA Award - America Latina Telecom Award to the winners;
  • Highlight Award Ceremony - Best Technical Presentation of summit to winners;
  • Networking opportunities - meeting rooms for participants.

Held at the excellent Windsor Barra Hotel Convention Center, Rio de Janeiro, RJ.

Características do Evento

UTCAL Summit 2024


  • Digital Transformation
  • IT/OT Convergence
  • Emerging Themes for Utilities Modernization
    • Modernization of telecom networks
    • Flexible solutions for network modernization
  • Wireless Technologies
  • Regulatory Issues
  • Infrastructure Sharing - the difficulties of utilities
  • Physical and Cybersecurity - New Challenges
  • Optimization of telecom networks for water and gas companies
  • Strategies for Automation and Team Mobility
  • Collaboration between Utilities and Operators
  • Data Analytics e Big Data
  • PLC solution for last mile
  • Smart Grid Requirements
  • Experiences and Cases
  • Technical Standards

The event in 2024

UTCAL Summit 2024, will be again the meeting place where will be discussed the main problems and solutions by professionals of public service concessionaires with regard to telecommunications systems and their applications.

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

Security, Cyber and Physical

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

IT/OT - Information Technology and Operational Technology (or Automation)

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

Challenges of Distributed Generation

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

Fiber, Broadband and Sharing

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

Telecom for Network Modernization and Data Analytics

Segurança, Cyber e Fisica

Regulation, Public Policies and Defense of Utilities


Check out the list of confirmed Speakers

Held by UTC Latin America, a non-profit organization, UTCAL SUMMIT's main objective is to promote the rapprochement and debate of key issues for utilities telecommunications in Latin America.

Sandoval Feitosa

Sandoval Feitosa

Director - ANEEL
Carlos Baigorri

Carlos Baigorri

Presidente - ANATEL
Rusty Williams

Rusty Williams

Rodrigo Leal

Rodrigo Leal

President of UTCAL Council and Executive Manager of Eletrobras
Ricardo Mucci

Ricardo Mucci

Presidente - Cisco Brasil
Ricardo Mucci

Marcelo Prais

IT Director, Agent Relations and Regulatory Affairs at O.N.S.
Limited places

UTCAL Summit 2024



Event schedule

April 9th, 2024 • Tuesday

Workshop Cisco : Full Stack Observability para Utilities

  • Cleber Visconti - Cisco Observability Director LATAM
  • Fernando Dumont - Public Sector Senior Engineer
  • Leandro Ferreira - Cisco Observability Advisor LATAM
Strategic Vision (30 minutes): Overview of Cisco's observability solution, highlighting the benefits and objectives of the solution for the utilities industry.

Full, unified observability with Cisco Observability Platform (COP) (60 minutes): Cisco Observability Platform (COP) and its integrated modules are important for unifying data and analytics, presenting a holistic view of the environment, from software to hardware.

Break & Coffee (30 minutos)

OTEL (Open Telemetry), K8s and Cloud Native with COP - Practical Use Cases (60 minutes)
Practical use cases of the observability solution, demonstrating how OTEL, Kubernetes (k8s) and Cloud Native can be applied in the COP solution, in real situations of the utilities sector to improve operational efficiency, decision making, resource optimization, preventive maintenance and anomaly detection in real time.

Award-Winning Session (30 minutes)
An interactive and fun activity to test participants' knowledge of observability concepts in the world of Utilities

Q&A & Closing (30 minutes)
Q&A session to clarify doubts and discuss specific aspects in more depth

Workshop 4RF: Integration of your investment in narrowband smart grids with 3GPP LTE/5G systems – high capacity with cybersecurity and transparent inclusion of technologies such as IoT, LoRA, WiSun.

  • Anatomy of the 4RF Cybersecurity solution: An immersion into the defense scheme of military forces and its application in each product offered in the uitlities: APRISA SR Family (SR+/SRi) and APRISA LTE (4G/5G), as we cover 360 degrees each one of your network assets.
  • Utilities Investment Defense Strategy: What technologies exist to serve each segment: Distributed Generation, Renewables, Primary and Secondary Substations, Distribution Automation, Smart Metering, their vectors and how to integrate and get them to cooperate with each other to automatically respond as an architecture integrated and not as isolated and inefficient loose products.
  • New technologies such as LoRA, WiSUN, IoT, and projects including automation and home automation (Smart Home) and how they are already integrated into the networks currently available in the 4RF portfolio.
  • 4RF Secure Firewall: The characteristics of the native micro Firewall in 4RF systems that are threat-Room Oriented, advanced IT and OT features, integrations, high availability and performance.
  • Secure Industrial Network Architecture: How to apply the defense strategy to industrial OT networks, exploring the benefits of an integrated architecture to truly protect the most critical networks in the world.
  • Integration of solutions from various manufacturers: 3GPP regulations, 4RF MMS solutions, MIBs, SNMP, new 4RF solutions to protect your current investment while facilitating growth and meeting the demands of the future.
  • Best practices in configuration, installation, operation, and maintenance of smart networks made up of LTE, 4G, 5G, narrowband radio, or fiber optic modems using APRISA network elements from 4RF.

  • Practical class with the participation of each assistant.
  • 4RF and UTCAL will provide a Certificate to participants – limited to Government and Utilities employees.

NTT Workshop - Architecture and Security in OT Networks

Securing the Future: How to raise the level of security maturity without compromising production and the business.

NTT invites you to an immersive workshop that will equip you with the essential tools and knowledge to shield your infrastructure against growing cyber threats.

In this workshop, NTT will present a reference security architecture for Utilities companies based on best practices encompassing proven security models for Data Center, Cloud, Operations Centers, Substations, and other environments.

We will explore the architectural possibilities, as well as an evolutionary roadmap for the implementation of solutions and processes with the aim of raising the degree of security maturity without affecting production and the business.

Topics present:
  • Protection of the new perimeter: Let's address the changes of the last 5 years, where the perimeter has been extended beyond the infrastructure of companies.
  • Security Journey – Critical Infrastructure: Understand the steps needed to improve visibility and increase the security of the infrastructure as a whole.
  • Segmentation and Zero-Trust: Understanding your attack surface is essential, as is reducing and compartmentalizing it.
  • Secure remote access management: One of the causes of the maxim "the user is the weakest link" is often incidents related to access control and correct identification. We will demonstrate efficient ways in which these controls can be effective and automated.
  • Integrated security services: Let's understand how we can combine products and services to increase the security of the environment and threat detection capabilities.

April 10th, 2024 • Wednesday

Opening Solemnity

Carlos Manuel Baigorri – President - Anatel

Sandoval de Araújo Feitosa Neto – General Director – Aneel

Marcelo Prais – Director - ONS

Paulo Osterkamp – Head of Public Sector, Utilities, Oil&Gas - Cisco

Rusty Williams – CEO - UTC

Rodrigo Leal de Siqueira – President of UTCAL Council and Executive Manager of Eletrobras

The opening ceremony will welcome all delegates and mark the start of the event. UTCAL's chairman and its technology partners, along with representatives of regulatory bodies and the host company, will welcome all attendees.

Panel - Digital Transformation

Moderator – Rodrigo Leal de Siqueira – Chairman of the UTCAL Board

Carlos Manuel Baigorri – President - Anatel

Sandoval Feitosa – Director – Aneel

Marcelo Prais – Director - ONS

Severiano Leão Macedo – IoT Sales Specialist - Cisco

Josias Matos de Araújo – CEO – Eng Smart Lead

Digital transformation in utilities represents a fundamental shift in the way utilities operate, interact and deliver value to their customers. This process involves incorporating innovative technologies to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and offer more personalized services.

International Panel – Technological Trends for Critical Mission

Moderator – Dymitr Wajsman – UTCAL CEO

Vinicius Caram – Anatel - Superintendent

Rusty Williams – UTC - CEO

Juergen Tusch – EUTC – CTO

Gosta Kallner – 450MHz Alliance – CEO

Heron Fontana – Neoenergia – Director

Mission-critical companies are constantly seeking technological innovations to ensure the efficiency, reliability, and safety of their operations. Some technological trends are shaping the landscape of these organizations: Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Blockchain, Advanced Cybersecurity, Augmented and Virtual Reality, and Advanced Connectivity (5G) are some of these trends. The adoption of these technologies drives mission-critical enterprises to increase their operational resilience, ensuring continuity of services and enhancing the ability to address emerging challenges in complex and highly regulated environments.




Moderador: Wanderley Maia - UTCAL

Technologies Enabling the Evolution of Critical Utilities Communications for the Next 10 Years


Alberto Rodrigues – Nokia

Artificial Intelligence – Benefits, Challenges, and Cybersecurity with AI

Adriano Mazza - Fortinet

The adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the energy sector brings significant benefits, but it also comes with several challenges and potential cybersecurity risks.

Attackers continue to up the ante, adopting more sophisticated and complex attacks to infiltrate networks. Weaponizing AI adds fuel to an already violent threat landscape – it allows attackers to improve every phase of an attack and do it better and faster than before.

Fotinet's FortiGuard AI-powered Security Services, addresses these cybersecurity risks that are crucial to protecting critical infrastructures and maintaining reliable energy services.



Moderador: Fransciso Pires - PiresNet

Simplifying Remote Access to SAGE

Felipe Coelho Ribeiro - Claroty

Optimize your Sage experience by ensuring convenient and secure access from any location, without the need to install invasive software in the environment. Explore a complete audit and take advantage of multiple layers of security to ensure the integrity of the environment in a strategic and intelligent way.

Risk Prioritization: The Perspective of a Critical Infrastructure CISO

Alexandre Rodrigues - Tenable

Can you accurately measure your organization's risk and exposure for each operational asset or facility, regardless of asset type (IT, OT, or IoT) or environment? Security for enterprise IT infrastructure is essential, but with industrial digital transformation underway in many OT environments, maintaining system availability and operability is mission critical. Security, visibility, availability, and the ability to operate IT and OT cannot be separated, as one can affect the other. This session will explore:

1. The similarities between IT and OT with respect to some operating systems, technologies, and networks
2. How the somewhat proprietary nature of OT-specific technologies, network protocols, and architecture makes it more difficult for threat groups and cybercriminals to find ways to impact a victim's OT environment
3. Where we can overcome adversaries who want to disrupt the operations of our industrial organization through our IT networks.
4. The need for better IT/OT collaboration between IT operations teams and OT engineers

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Moderador: Alessandro Fernandes – UTCAL

Innovation at Scale: Maximizing Results for Customers, Operations, and Investors

Rafael Soares - AWS

The Observability Journey in the Convergence of IT/OT Networking and Security

Bruno da Costa Pereira and Elton Morais - Teletex



Substation Digitalization - Huawei Solutions

Ricardo Mansano – CTO de Soluções Governamentais da Huawei

Learn how the digitalization of substations with Huawei solutions can transform the electricity industry.

Global 400 MHz deployments and possibilities with dedicated 4G/5G network

Gosta Kallner - 450MHz Alliance

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Moderador: Julio Omori - Superintendente - Copel

Panel Poles Attachment

Fernando Mosna – Director - Aneel

Julio Omori – Superintendente - CopelJulio Omori – Superintendente - Copel

Carlos Eduardo Marcussi - Celesc

Companies owning poles are facing (or will face) an unprecedented volume of requests to access their infrastructure, further straining utility assets and personnel. On the telecommunications side, companies are concerned about the impact of regulation on their modernization projects.
This strategic panel will assess what steps can be taken to ensure that companies have the confidence to define their investments.



Moderador: Mario Torraca - UTCAL

End-to-end architecture to reduce operational and cyber risks in the Electricity Sector

Alexandre Freire – NOZOMI

With a large presence protecting the largest private companies in the electricity sector in Brazil, Nozomi Networks presents the best end-to-end architecture practices for the protection of control centers, power substations, power plants and smartgrid networks with architecture scenarios and examples of real cases of detection of cyber and operational incidents.

Web Communication

João Paulo Pires dos Santos - Wecom

The evolution of business communication occurs through the migration of traditional connections with operators to digitalization via website. The mastery of communication applications through a fully customizable and versatile workplace, which allows the integration of IoT and private LTE technologies with their communication system, thus providing maximum flexibility and mobility, with an integrated security concept. The use of digital transformation in critical operations environments, in the reduction of e-mails, in the reduction of costs with DDR/DID stripes and customization through SDK tools.

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Moderador: Clóvis Baptista – Telin Consulting

Network Standardization for Digital Substations

Julio Gouy and João Alcantara - Cisco

High Availability and Redundancy Options for a Field Area Network (FAN) for utilities

Motti Dahan – 4RF

High availability (HA) and specifically redundancy are critical for field area networks (FAN) of dealerships. Refers to the capability of the company's mission-critical system, component, or service. utility on the FAN to remain operational or operate continuously without interruption, failure, or downtime. inactivity for a certain period of time. In the event of a failure, the FAN and services will continue and failover recovery must be performed in a certain time, so that can be considered as if there were no interruption. Achieve this level of reliability of High Availability involves specific considerations in the different possible FAN technologies (such as radio licensed, unlicensed radio, cellular, and wired technologies), which we will explore in detail. Finally, we will examine and show that different technologies can sometimes require different methods and projects in some cases to achieve the High Availability required on FAN.



Moderador: Rosana Pereira - Energisa

New technologies and the impact on the next wave of smart metering investment in Brazil

Ricardo Monteiro Fernandes - L+G

The accelerated growth of renewable sources of distributed generation, the fleet of electric vehicles, as well as the modernization of the electricity grid through smart metering, market opening and new tariff modalities, require the use of technological tools that allow the efficient planning, operation and maintenance of the distribution network. Such tools will be indispensable to allow an optimized and assertive investment plan. This will make the distribution network flexible to be operated with all these variables, delivering adequate performance to consumers, contributing to better demand management, quality of service provided and empowering consumers to better manage their own consumption. In other words, it will contribute to the modernization of the sector by allowing, among others, the introduction of new energy services through intelligence and transformation of data into useful information for decision-making.

Exploring New Horizons: DERMS and Flexibility in the Age of Sustainable Energy

João Carlos de Souza Marques - Schneider Electric

We will explore how these innovative technologies are shaping the energy future, enabling the harmonious integration of distributed energy resources and promoting sustainability. Join us to discover the opportunities and challenges that these new horizons present to us.

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Moderador: Alan Soares - Eletrobrás

Wireless Communications: The Key to Safely Modernizing Power Distribution Networks

Eduardo Santos - Hitachi

Wireless communications emerge as a key technology to enable this transformation, connecting network assets, integrating systems, and digitizing operations.

In this talk, we will explore how utilities can:

  • Reduce operating costs:
  • Introduce new revenue streams:
  • Increase network visibility:
  • Dealing with the changing distribution landscape:

How to transform from a Distributor into a DSO, and why? Addressing the energy transition, market liberalization, and concession renewal.

Roberto Falco - Accenture

The energy transition is a global factor that is influencing the Utilities business around the world. In Brazil, utilities are having to deal with the pressure of the energy transition at the same time as market liberalization and concession renewals are being discussed. creating a great environment of uncertainty but also of opportunity for business reinvention. How does this context interfere with the digital transformation decisions of Utilities? What moves should they make to prepare themselves to act as a DSO in the future? But after all, what is a DSO?



Moderador: Roberto Boucinhas - UTCAL

Cyber Maturity of the Electricity Sector

Adriana Vivan – Aneel

Franklin Bonfim – EDP

Sergio Milani – Copel

Felipe Coelho Ribeiro - Claroty

A company's cyber maturity is intertwined with its ability to react to cyberattacks. The higher the cyber maturity, the lower the losses from cyber incidents. This ability to get back on its feet operationally is known as cyber resilience. It is built through management and strategies supported by the tripod: people, processes and technologies.

This panel will address some cyber resilience actions adopted by companies in the electricity sector and the presentation of technologies and products available in the market to assist in the successful implementation of these strategies.

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

April 11th, 2024 • Thursday

Moderador: Patrícia Igreja – Q13

Strategic Planning of Voice/Data Coverage for Utilities

Rosana S Pereira - Energisa

New data analysis methodology for predicting VHF, UHF and 4G coverage (Operators) on feeders, adding value through data from operational indicators such as DEC, FEC, TMA.

Optimal Communication Planning Tool and Emerging Technologies
for Automation and Monitoring of Communication Networks

Mauricio Biczkowski - Copel



Telecommunications Network Management Center – CGRT

Rosemberg Lobato Silva - Eletrobrás Eletronorte

The Telecommunications Network Management Center - CGRT aims to operate the Operation and Supervision, Corporate and SCM Network of Eletrobras Norte, with NOC and SOC assignments, in real time, 24x7

Evolution of Transmission System Digitalization

Eduardo Campaner – CGT Eletrosul

How the digitalization of protection, control, supervision and telecommunications processes can impact the operational efficiency of transmission companies, eliminating costs, bringing agility and increasing visibility for decision-making.

Individual Intermittent Source Electrical Power Generation System
(SIGFI) with real-time remote monitoring

Jefferson Alberto Souza dos Santos - EDP

With a history of more than 40 years, EDP is a group that produces, distributes and sells energy, and is today the fifth largest private energy generator, with 70% of the energy it produces coming from renewable sources. Attentive to process improvements, it carried out the modernization of EDP's first solar microgeneration project in the Paraíba Valley, implemented 10 years ago in the community of Ilha Escura, in the eastern region of São José dos Campo. The benefits of the new system include increasing the useful life of the equipment, with lithium batteries that can last up to 15 years. Another advantage is the greater ease of maintenance and identification of any failures, through the remote real-time monitoring system integrated with EDP's Integrated Operations Center in São José. The community gains from more security, since the equipment will be protected with opening sensors, motion sensors and siren alarm, to prevent theft. The autonomy of the system will also be expanded, providing the power supply for 48 hours, even without the incidence of solar rays. In addition, all the meters installed are intelligent, with Nb-IoT communication that, in addition to storing energy consumption measurements, allow to collect information about the situation of the systems in real time.



Moderador: Wanderley Maia - UTCAL

Neoenergia 2.0 Smart Grid Management Center (CEGRI) – integration of all the company's digital assets (Measurement, Automation, Telecom) + failure prediction + active monitoring of public Telecom operators)

Marcel Tolentino - Neoenergia

MESH Solutions for Telemetering - Pursuit of Interoperability

Eduardo Henrique Trepodoro - CPFL

Analysis of the adoption of RF MESH technology for telemetering, the challenges for the search for interoperability, the advances achieved with the WI-SUN alliance and the future prospects for energy distributors.

Disaster Recovery Phase 2 – Network Infrastructure and Security

Brena dos Reis Felipe - Cemig

The project aimed to adapt the current network and security infrastructure of Companhia Enérgica de Minas Gerais - Cemig, allowing the implementation of a Disaster Recovery (DR) solution establishing conditions for network and cybersecurity recovery and contingency, as part of the Company's Digital Transformation process. The scope of the Disaster Recovery project included Cemig's current headquarters building (Ed. Júlio Soares) and Backup Sites (Substations), which cover the critical services of the Distribution Operation Center (COD), System Operation Center (COS) and Telecom Operation Center (COT), among others.



Moderador: Eduardo Campaner – CGT Eletrosul

Optimization of telecom topology with cost reduction

Rosana S Pereira - Energisa

The project anticipated the technological transition, exploiting existing means of communication at reduced costs and improving performance.

The main objective is to conduct an annual review of the topology, aiming to identify opportunities for the replacement of means of communication, always seeking to optimize efficiency and reduce operational costs.

Genesis Telecom System

André Gustavo - Celesc

Genesis Telecom aims to be the centralizer of actions aimed at sharing infrastructure. Developed with the aim of becoming the tool that will enable not only predictability about availability in sharing projects, but also to expose to the Concessionaire the networks with approved design of all sharers through geographic coordinates.

Allied to this gain is the precision in the quantitative use of poles per sharer, correlation of notifications and presentation of projects for regularization of the same, standardization of sharing projects, greater control of the relationship between sharer and its designers.

Finally, it will also bring the preparation of BI for various follow-ups, one of the main ones being the expansion of the network of sharers and even knowledge of the exact locations of each operator allowing a more facilitated search when claiming SWAP to complement the Concessionaire's own communication network.

infrastructure and Industrial Control Systems from cyberattacks and sabotage

Robson Silva - Eletrobrás

The lecture aims to demonstrate threat mapping, analysis, and attribution techniques to disrupt offensive cyber operations, sabotage, and cyber espionage, sponsored by nation-state, threat actors, mercenaries, and cyberterrorists against critical infrastructure sectors ICS/OT and their respective geopolitical impacts on civil society, national defense, and businesses.

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Moderador: Francisco Pires - PiresNet

Nansen Presentation

How packet transmission systems can be used for modernizing and maintaining critical communication networks for Utility applications

Alex Lioznov – AVARA

Packet transmission systems play a pivotal role in modernizing communication networks. These systems, based on the Internet Protocol (IP) together with MPLS/MPLS-TP based extensions, facilitate efficient and reliable data transfer by breaking down information into discrete packets. In the context of utility applications however, critical attention must be given to the maintenance of existing functionality, primarily supporting teleprotection services based on C37.94, G703/64K and other Operational Technology interfaces together with networking aspects such as synchronisation, service interoperability, particularly with respect to existing SDH and PDH services, and resilience to network configuration will be discussed.



Moderador: Osmar Guidelli – GE

Innovation and efficiency: TIVIT's transformative role in the Utilities market

Ivan Jorge Rodrigues de Oliveira - Tivit

Challenges of Private Networks in Industrial and Energy Environments

Claudio Bittencourt Sampaio - Hughes

Approach to the challenge of deploying private networks in industrial environments and the energy sector.

Applications, additional services, and potential use will be demonstrated in a combined view of the technology with the return on investment applied.

Structuring AMI projects, their efficiencies and capabilities for a new regulatory moment

Ricardo Barcelos Silva - L+G

Although smart grids are not a novelty in Brazil and the rest of the world, their massive application depends on safe, efficient technological solutions with analytical tools that help distributors manage systems in their respective concession areas. Landis+Gyr has been in the world for 128 years and 33 years in Brazil, innovating and bringing solutions to the most varied challenges of electricity distributors. And, it is about these smart grid developments and results that we will address at UTCAL 2024, with emphasis on the complete end-to-end solution and the only one to meet resolution 221 in its entirety, with the Magno Grid System, which is the only one duly certified for smart centralized metering systems.



Moderador: Patrícia Igreja – Q13

TAIT Presentation

Connectivity Multiservices via networks Private

Marco Antônio Rodrigues - CYCOM

Guilherme Saidler - CELESC

Rogério Diogenes - NEPEN

Alberto Rodrigues de Oliveira - NOKIA

Fabio Saukas - NOKIA

Discover the advantages of using private networks with 5G/LTE technology, being able to develop new processes, new services, innovative paradigms for the Public Utility of the Future, focusing on the so-called Smart Grids and how to use them for Innovation, Research & Development. In practice, Smart Grids are distribution networks with devices that communicate in an integrated way, allowing greater control and management of energy flows.

How smart and secure technologies can be applied in power distribution networks taking advantage of the advancements in energy generation presented by renewables

Stephen Lacey - AVARA

The introduction of next generation technologies in power distribution networks is pivotal to efficiently accommodate advancements in energy generation, particularly with the growing prominence of renewables. Smart technologies, such as advanced sensors, real-time monitoring systems and protocol conversion, enable smart grid operators to collect and analyse data, optimising the transmission process by dynamically adjusting the flow of electricity in response to fluctuations in renewable energy sources and consumer demand enhancing the grids resilience and reliability, against the intermittent nature of renewables.

Moreover, secure technologies, including robust encryption and intrusion detection systems, safeguard the integrity of data and protect the network against cyber threats. Communications solutions for dealing with the evolution of the energy distribution landscape will be discussed.



Moderador: Roberto Boucinhas - UTCAL

Cybersecurity of the Electricity Sector – Future expectations after the 2nd wave of RO-ONS

Serafim Ivo de Faria - Fortinet

The 2nd wave for the implementation of cybersecurity controls in the operational routine of the ONS has already been in force since 09/Oct/2023. A brief description of the current situation, the biggest challenges and how companies in the electricity sector have prepared to overcome the difficulties and comply with the cybersecurity requirements established by the ONS.

But what can be expected after the 2nd wave comes into effect? What's next? With this focus on a new cyber landscape for the electricity sector, Fortinet will address possible cyber-physical security topics for the near future, as well as the main trends and advanced technological components to increase the level of maturity and enable this new cycle with a fully integrated security strategy vision.

Artificial Intelligence in the Electricity Sector – An ally of the electricity sector for the management of cyber risks and productivity

Fernando Zamai - Cisco

Alberto Pitigliani - Q13

Antonio Horta - Accenture

Pedro Eurico - Tenable

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, which is currently developing rapidly, is a branch of computer science that allows systems to learn how to perform tasks, normally developed by humans, in a more automated way. Machine Learning and Generative AI are two subcategories of AI. The first has been used for a long time in industrial and automation products and, recently, the second brings an expectation of increasing cybersecurity and the productivity of companies.

In this panel, companies will present AI-based issues and solutions to mitigate cyber threats in the electricity sector and increase their productivity automating process analysis and management.

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Moderador: Evaldo Baldin - CPFL

Security tools with Huawei solutions

Speaker to be confirmed - Connectoway

CPC Architecture for Small Distribution Substations

Hector Leon - GE Vernova

With the increasing adoption of technologies such as IEC 61850 protocols and digital substations with process bus architecture, centralized protection and control (CPC) systems are becoming a reality. Initially commercially available CPC systems have focused on distribution substations due to the simplicity of the protection and control (P&C) functions and the logic schematics required, when compared to their transmission counterparts.

This lecture will cover definitions, end-user benefits such as asset management, product homologation and deployment; It will also mention the building blocks for hardware and services and will describe possible CPC architectures for distribution substations, utilizing both point-to-point and network-based process bus with integrated time synchronization solutions.



Moderador: Eduardo Santos – Hitachi

Huawei eLTE Solution - Use Cases

Rodolfo Fiasco - Huawei

Learn about Huawei's Private Networks solutions and their applications for the electricity sector.

Utility Modernization / Digital Transformation

Ismael Mendoza - Globalsat

The modernisation of public services aims to make public administration more efficient, transparent, accessible and effective. Integration with satellite technology, among others, expands coverage, increases accuracy and reliability, enables real-time monitoring, and opens doors to new services.

Utilities in the era of Generative AI

Juliano Carboneri - Logicalis

Generative AI has brought significant impacts in several sectors of the economy, being studied and applied by C-Level and managers in different processes in the business chain. Learn more about the topic and check out practical use cases of Generative AI.



Moderador: Daniel Senna - Cemig

Radio Connectivity Solutions for Mission-Critical, Distant and Hostile Environments

Eng. Flavio Hirano (Sales Manager) - AVS

Mission-critical connectivity requires reliable and robust products, versatile solutions built with intelligent redundancy and strict security standards, and always prioritizing communication between users. For this, radio communication is the best option, maintaining the interoperability of your network even in challenging situations and severe operating conditions.

Smart Asset Management for Utility Networks - Improving efficiency, reducing costs and minimizing industry risks

Marcus Assis e Raphael Nóbrega - Hexagon

The integration between geoprocessing and network asset management allows the visualization and geospatial analysis of assets, facilitating the design of projects, planning and strategic decision-making, in addition to optimizing the entire life cycle of assets. In this talk, we will present how the integrated Hexagon Smart Assets platform provides reliability and security in the management of electrical and telecommunications networks.

How SD-WAN Can Support Utilities: From Operations to Customer Service

Leonardo Ferreira e Rafael Lupiano - Cisco

In this session, we will discuss the technical and business benefits that can be realized by using the Cisco SD-WAN solution. Topics such as security, connectivity, and visibility are critical to the success of implementations.



Moderador: Clóvis Baptista – Telin Consulting

Challenges of Integrating Diverse Media in Operation Centers

Richard Cruz e Douglas Marques - BYNE

In operation centres, the media play a key role in the effective coordination of activities. In the telecommunications sector, challenges include incorporating new technologies with interoperability and security, considering legacy systems. In this presentation, we will address how to uncomplicate critical environments starting from simple and efficient communication by integrating several means of communication in one place.

Evolution of Optical Transmission Technologies for the Utilities Market

José Eduardo Silva - Gerente de Desenvolvimento de Negócios da Fiber X

Smart grids use new features and technologies, improving operational performance and efficiency, these grids need to transmit a large amount of data reliably.

It will be addressed how transmission networks have evolved to meet the challenges of smart grids: higher bandwidth, high availability, diversity of interfaces, as well as easy implementation and maintenance.

Operational Advantages in Using MPLS/TP for Utilities

Guilhermme Lisboa - BELDEN

In the context of digitalization of Utilities, Telecommunications infrastructure is included in this process, migrating its network to packet-based applications. An alternative to this transition is the use of MPLS/TP (Multiprotocol Label Switching/Transport Profile). This presentation will focus on the main advantages of MPLS/TP, both in the specific demands of mission-critical applications, and in the operational advantages that generate significant reduction in OPEX.

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Moderador: Wanderley Maia - UTCAL

A modern and intelligent alternative to digital collaboration

Alexander Geer - Wecom

A new way to conveniently share information with others, participate in discussions, and coordinate tasks with your colleagues— teams, departments, and across the company. Users have access to all relevant information and can quickly make it available to others at any time and on any device, making corporate communication more efficient, reducing error rates, increasing transparency and team trust.

Technological Innovations in Smart Grids - Use Cases

Marco Pangos – 4RF

In today's business world, innovation and the use of new technologies play a role fundamental in the search for competitiveness and success of organizations. In this session, we'll explore the importance for utilities of understanding the scenarios for asset control (DA, DER, AMI, Security) and even the challenges and trends in the use of new technologies. We'll also share Case studies of companies that have embraced digital transformation. In addition, we will examine how Different cultures, such as those in America, Europe, and Asia, are utilizing these technologies. In the end We will conclude with reflections on the importance of these issues and the impact they have on utilities.



Moderador: Ronaldo Santarem

New Regulation of the 400MHz Band in Brazil – Act 915/2024

Rodrigo Gebrim - Anatel




Rafael Vivaldi - Celplan

Assessment of the impact on utility networks, introduced by the Act that defined the Technical and Operational Requirements for the use of RF bands for SLP and the solutions that the market can offer to mitigate the main regulatory bottlenecks.



Moderador: Rosana Pereira - Energisa

Case Study – Copel's OT Cybersecurity

Marcelo Branquinho (TI Safe)

Ricardo Almeida (COPEL)

Scope of the lecture:

  • Cybersecurity Challenges in Energy OT Infrastructures
  • COPEL's initial problem: adequacy to the operational routine of ONS (RO. CB. BR-01)
  • The contracted solution: IT Safe ASCI (Industrial Cybersecurity Subscription)
  • Locations served
  • How was the implementation of the project
  • Benefits gained
  • Project expansion: operations not connected to ONS – Compliance
  • Doubts

NTT/AWS Presentation

Industrial Cyber Security – Remodeling, monitoring, detection and management of vulnerabilities of the operational network in HPP (real case)

Willian Rink - Siemens

The cybersecurity of the Brazilian electricity system must be treated as a priority by all agents involved. Recent reports show that industrial networks have become the main target of cybercriminals and a successful attack on a critical facility can have serious consequences that involve risk to lives, the environment and economic losses. If, on the one hand, there are several technologies available on the market, many of them cannot be applied directly to the installations of a plant, at the risk of causing damage to the>
In this sense, a cybersecurity policy was defined, which aimed to increase the level of cybersecurity maturity in line with the ISA/IEC 62443 standard and, above all, to comply with the new requirements of ONS and ANEEL. In this article, the solutions provided by the aforementioned project for this monitoring and the relevant lessons learned from it will be exposed. The project objectives that have already been achieved and the new controls that are in the process of being incorporated into the operation of the HPP will also be shown, as the project progresses.



Moderador: Tom Luis - Celplan

DERMS – Supporting energy companies in the challenges and trends of modernizing the electrical grid

Marcello de Martino e Marcio Rocha - AMTK

Today's world faces a challenge of increasing demand while on the other hand we have aggressive sustainability goals.

With this we see a proliferation of new renewable energy sources (DERs) being used in a new unconventional grid model.

We will show how we have supported our generation, transmission and distribution customers to face these challenges using new technologies (DERMS) that allow them to optimize these resources in conjunction with the traditional model.

How to build a PLTE network from scratch

Raphael de Matos Alves de Lima - CPFL

Alan Macieira - Neoenergia

Tom Luiz - Celplan

Planning and building a PLTE network from scratch is a complex project that requires technical expertise, substantial resources, and a deep understanding of the principles behind LTE technology. The companies that have already built these networks will explain how to do it.

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Moderador: Savio Ricardo - Energisa

Shutdown of 2G and 3G networks – The impact on utility operations

Sávio Ricardo – Energisa

Augusto da Rocha Gomes - CPQD

Juergen Tusch - CTO - EUTC

Rusty Williams – CEO - UTC



Moderador: Mario Torraca - UTCAL

Mistakes Not to Make When Applying IEC 62443 in Utilities

Eduardo Honorato – 2S

The lecture will provide a comprehensive overview of the principles and practices of this international standard, highlighting its specific application in the utilities sector. It will address the specific objectives, scope and requirements for this sector by exploring different parts and sections of the standard. It will analyse the security challenges faced by public service infrastructures, using practical examples of incidents and their impacts.

In the Practical Implementation phase, we will provide guidelines for the effective application of IEC 62443 in utility environments, presenting case studies and best practices. Additionally, we will discuss emerging trends in cybersecurity for utilities, highlighting the need for continuous adaptation in the face of evolving threats.

Potentialities, complementarity and feasibility of NTN Satellite services for Utilities

Leonardo Finizola - Qualcomm

NTN satellite connectivity will soon be available in Latin America. The presentation brings Qualcomm's perspective on the impact of NTN for Utilities, whether in the supervision of infrastructure in rural areas, in the increase of reliability for supervision, in the coexistence of private, public and satellite 4G networks, in standardization and interoperability based on standardized solutions.

Video Surveillance in Critical Infrastructures

Enio Elton Andriola - Teletex

Critical infrastructure, such as electrical substations, water treatment plants, and gas facilities, play a vital role in our society. Monitoring these facilities is essential to ensure the safety, efficiency, and continuity of services. In this talk, we will explore how real-time video surveillance can enhance the security and management of these infrastructures.



Moderador: Kim Moraes – Anatel

How the constellations of low orbit satellites (LEOs) will impact the electricity sector

Waldo Russo - Union

Gustavo Correa – CPQD

Sandro Bernardes de Oliveira - Cemig

With technology advancing by leaps and bounds, we are witnessing the rise of satellite systems with orbits lower than the traditional geostationary orbit usually employed by telecommunications satellites. These are constellations of satellites with low or medium altitude orbit, which represent an innovative and promising solution to provide medium to high capacity connectivity and/or low-capacity connectivity in areas with limited terrestrial infrastructure.

Thus, in this panel, we will unveil the universe of satellite constellations and their impact on the future of telecommunications, in particular on the infrastructure of utility companies.

Adopting an observability strategy

Julio Oliveira e Adriano Carattiero - NTT

We live in a digital age, with apps being at the heart of every business. The consumers of these applications can be anywhere and the applications too, in Data Centers, Public Clouds, Colocation, Edge and more. We would like to invite you to a chat, where we will present NTT's vision of the correct adoption of an observability strategy, enabling your organization to identify the root cause of a problem wherever it is beyond that, generating insights for business teams.



Moderador: Mario Torraca - UTCAL

Integrating Power and Telecom Networks for Efficient Management

Douglas Días - Furukawa

Maximizing Efficiency and Reliability: Advanced Asset Performance Management Strategies

João Carlos de Souza Marques - Schneider Electric

We will present advanced asset performance management strategies, with a focus on maximizing efficiency and reliability. We will discuss how innovative technologies and strategic approaches can optimize asset performance, reduce operating costs, and increase process reliability. Join us to discover how to reach new heights of efficiency and reliability in asset management.

Hexing Presentation

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

4th UTCAL Meeting of CISOs of the Electrical Sector - Meeting with ONS on the Cybersecurity Operational Routine



Moderador: Alan Soares - Eletrobrás

How to protect yourself from ransomware and recover data quickly

Murilo Cesconetto – BR Digital

Paulo Marcon - Pure Storage

It will be talked about:
  • As companies depend on IT Infrastructure to function.
  • How long does it take to recover data after a ransomware attack
  • How long will the IT Team take to recover the data.
  • Adequate equipment to keep data encrypted and also restore data.
  • And finally how to avoid all these problems.

Customers (Cx) and Workforce (Wx) connected with the Power of AI for Utilities on Cloud Platforms

Alessandra Guarino - SEW

In this talk, we explore how the integration between customer experience (Cx) and workforce (Wx) can be enhanced through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) on cloud platforms, especially in the Utilities sector. Digitization and automation are profoundly reshaping the way utility companies interact with customers and manage their internal operations. We discuss how AI can be applied to optimize the customer experience, from personalizing services to quickly resolving issues, while empowering the workforce with more efficient tools and actionable insights. We cover specific use cases, highlighting the tangible benefits that Utilities companies can achieve by adopting these technologies, and share insights into best practices for successful implementation. At the end, participants will leave with a deeper understanding of how AI and cloud platforms are shaping the future of Utilities and how they can leverage these technologies to drive growth and operational efficiency in their own organizations, using examples from other Utilities in the world.

The 5 priorities in Cyber for Energy

Pedro Godoy - NTT

In this informative talk, we will list, according to market research figures and attack trends, five actions and movements that should be prioritized to ensure maximum effectiveness in preventing and containing cyber incidents aimed at energy companies.



TRAINING: Telecommunications and Technologies for Utilities

Professor Antonio Vivaldi

Training Program: Telecommunications and Technologies for Utilities

  • Signal scanning;
  • Power and sensitivity measurements;
  • Propagation of RF signals;
  • FDM, TDM, CDMA, Frequency Hopping, OFDM, OFDMA modulations
  • PSK and QAM modulations;
  • TDD and FDD systems;
  • Link Budget Calculation;
  • Noise and interference;
  • Antenna types and gain;
  • Smart antennas;
  • MIMO;
  • Comparison and differences between LTE 4G and NR 5G;
  • Comparison of IoT technologies;
  • Point-to-Point, Point-Area, Point-Multipoint and Mesh network architecture.

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

April 12th, 2024 • Friday

Moderador: Patrícia Igreja – Q13

Implementation of the AGR Solution - Automatic Grid Recovery - Decentralized Self Healing with Artificial Intelligence

Lunara Braz - Neoenergia

Teleprotection with IP/MPLS and MPLS/TP in practice

Tiago Silva - Celesc

The difficulties encountered in the migration of several legacy services to Celesc's IP/MPLS WAN network will be addressed, with emphasis on teleprotection services. We will also discuss the characteristics of CORE, protocols and services that are essential for the operation of teleprotections without failure.

Presentation of cases where greater difficulties were found for the operation and solutions adopted on a case-by-case basis.

Copel's Experience in the Implementation of Automation of Network Devices, Using the Smart Grid Network

Rafael Schiavon Guido – Copel



Moderador: Roberto Boucinhas - UTCAL

Cyber Resilience - Managing and Mitigating Risk and Supporting Business Continuity

Frankllim Rafael Costa Bonfim - EDP

In today's digital world, organizations face a range of cyber challenges and threats that can put their data security and business continuity at risk. In the face of escalating sophistication and frequency of cyberattacks and the emergence of new threats, cyber resilience has emerged as a crucial element in protecting business operations. By adopting a proactive approach based on Risk Management as a key strategy, EDP Brasil has aimed to strengthen its ability to effectively eliminate, mitigate and recover from cyber incidents.

Substation 4.0. Cybersecurity Aspects

Juliana – Isa Cteep




Coordination : Maria Aparecida Muniz – SOR / Anatel

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Moderador: Francisco Pires - PiresNet

Projeto Hydro 4.0

Felipe de Moraes Alves – CPFL

Givanildo Carneiro Costa - NTT

Digital dam safety platform to improve risk management and support for technical-managerial decisions, as well as continuous and systematic monitoring of all dams, including real-time behavior and forecasting.

Standardization of WAN Networks in the Electricity Sector

Tiago Ferreira e João Paulo Alcantara – Cisco

Solutions Portfolio

Samuel Mendes - Hexing



Moderador: Leonardo Bahia - Cemig

WAN Network Modernization Project using software-defined networks

Marcos Coutinho - ONS

The project to modernize ONS's networks through SDN is due to the need for evolution and transformation in telecommunications services in favor of the efficient maintenance and development of the sector's operation. Increasing demand for bandwidth, traffic growth, requirement availability, quality, interoperability of new network equipment, and the proliferation of mobile devices have brought issues of operational and management complexity to traditional WAN network architectures. This is a major step towards digital transformation through SD-WAN that enables centralized, secure and automated management of networks, simplifying cloud operation and connectivity.

The use of Artificial Intelligence tools in planning optical telecommunications network infrastructures

Roberto Resende Salgado - Cemig




Coordination : Maria Aparecida Muniz – SOR / Anatel

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Moderador: Clóvis Baptista – Telin Consulting

GNSS Assurance: Efficient Monitoring of Synchronism Networks

Guilherme Días - Nextest

• Monitoring of PTP 1588, SYNCE and NTP
• Cyber Security - *Advanced detection of jamming and spoofing
• End-to-end management and optimization of the synchronization network

RF Usage Authorization in Mosaic

Renato Sales - Anatel

The ORLE manager will talk about the use and navigation in Anatel's MOSAICO System by companies in the sector interested in obtaining authorizations for the use of frequencies for the RF equipment and systems that will make up their fixed/mobile private networks.

Reliability of the Utilities' communications network through security controls

Emmanuel (Manny) Duvelson - RFL/Hubbell

This presentation provides an overview of NERC-CIP requirements as it relates to security and network reliability. It also tackles the impact of security on network reliability both negatively and positively. Furthermore, the presentation analyzes the various security strategies the organization must employ to ensure that utilities can deploy a modernized network or converged IT and OT without compromising reliability, survivability, operational network needs and security; delivering power safely, reliably, securely while taking advantage of the grid digitalization.









Coordination : Maria Aparecida Muniz – SOR / Anatel

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

Moderador: Mario Torraca - UTCAL

Telecom and Supervision Project to enable the Structuring of the operation of (05) five concessions acquired from another transmission company

Lucas Paiva – ARGO Energia

On 11/30/2022, the transmission company ARGO Energia made the acquisition of five (05) concessions that belonged to another transmission company. With This acquisition by ARGO Energia increased the number of assets of expressive, going from a portfolio of 13 substations for 35 substations. This document describes telecom actions and supervision system (SAGE) that were carried out during the year of 2023 to enable the operation process of these concessions acquired through the ARGO Operation Center in São Paulo.

Recloser automation with 250 MHz LTE network

Christian Freire de Alpoim - EDP

The communication of protective equipment is essential to ensure the quality and continuity in the supply of electricity by distributors. EDP, in turn, has several means of communication and uses multiple technologies to provide high availability services. Last year, it deployed a private LTE (Long Term Evolution) network in the 250MHz band, allowing it to expand and optimize the supervision and remote control of 54 automated reclosers in Espírito Santo. This new system brings an improvement in availability indicators, a reduction in the useful area of vertical structures and the possibility of expanding to a multiservice network.

Technical Challenges in Traffic Optimization in Narrowband Radio Networks: Case Studies and Resolution Strategies

Francisco Vasconcelos – Celesc

In this presentation, we will discuss advanced traffic analysis techniques in narrowband radio networks, using Wireshark as an essential tool. The focus will be on identifying unwanted packets and anomalies in the network, with special attention to the reclosers and the SCADA system. We'll explore specific details of the DNP3 protocol and other network protocols, providing a comprehensive, technical view for network optimization.



Moderador: Rafael Vivaldi - Celplan

Hitachi Presentation

Presentation TBD




Coordination : Maria Aparecida Muniz – SOR / Anatel

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.





How the constellations of low orbit satellites (LEOs) will impact the electricity sector

Waldo Russo - Union

Gustavo Correa – CPQD

Sandro Bernardes de Oliveira - Cemig

With technology advancing by leaps and bounds, we are witnessing the rise of satellite systems with orbits lower than the traditional geostationary orbit usually employed by telecommunications satellites. They are constellations of satellites with low or medium altitude orbit, which represent an innovative and promising solution to provide medium to high capacity connectivity and/or low capacity connectivity in areas with limited terrestrial infrastructure.

Thus, in this panel, we will unveil the universe of satellite constellations and their impact on the future of telecommunications, in particular on the infrastructure of utility companies.

Presentation TBD




Coordination : Maria Aparecida Muniz – SOR / Anatel

This program is subject to change and UTCAL will publicize these changes through monitors installed at the entrances to the rooms.
Registration entitles you to LUNCH at the event location.
The lectures will be made available at the end of the event after authorization from the authors.

UTCAL Summit

Previous events

See below photos of the previous events.

UTCAL Summit 2024







ALTA Award



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The Hotel

Windsor Barra Hotel

Av. Lúcio Costa, 2630 - Barra da Tijuca, RJ

Windsor Barra Hotel has a privileged location in Barra da Tijuca. In addition to the most extensive beach in Rio de Janeiro, the neighborhood is known for its modernity, several open-air leisure options and differentiated gastronomy. Close to Recreio dos Bandeirantes Beach and ecological reserves and shopping malls.

Windsor Barra Hotel
Windsor Barra Hotel


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